
College and University Student Scholarship

IDEAS welcomes applicants to apply for the 2024-2025 scholarship program dedicated to raising the intellectual capabilities of a population.

Those who are eligible to apply for this scholarship are those currently accepted into the IDEAS internship program, must reside in Arizona; have a written recommendation from an Auxiliary Board member serving in Arizona; have completed training in Ruhi Books 1-4; have actively participated in the institute process for at least the past two years; are currently serving as a facilitator for either children's classes, junior youth groups, or study circles; and reside within zip codes: 85008, 86506, 85283, 85021, or 86502. The internship is closely intertwined with the development of community building efforts undertaken by the Baha鈥檌 community in these geographic areas. For this first year, the internship scholarship program is limited to a small number of applicants who meet these specific requirements. The maximum scholarship award will be no greater than $6,000 per academic year.

Personal Information

Academic Information

Scholarship Disbursement of Funds

Community Service

First Reference

Second Reference